Wednesday, December 2, 2015

drawing of a house

This is a drawing of a house I made with gimp. I wanted to practice using the perspective tool so I made this house.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Here is an image of a dress I made in gimp.

A few months ago I read a book about how to draw fashion illustrations. I loved drawing fashion so now I draw a fashion illustration everyday in my sketchbook. so I decided to draw a dress with gimp.

This is my first attempt to make something in gimp that is not a tutorial on the INTERNET or an exercise in a book. I just wanted to make something no matter how good it is. If I don't start making my own projects how will I get any better.

For the dress I used box select, turned the selection into a path, used the control points to get the shape I wanted, filled in the curve. For the head, neck, arms, legs I freehanded them with the pencil tool and the mouse.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

I need to post more for this to be a diry

But first I need to actually make computer graphics instead not making computer graphics. My favorite computer graphics programs to use are Blender and Gimp. Though I have not used those programs much.

I want to get better as a artist but, I end up only reading tutorials and a book or two and not making any of my own projects so that I can remember what I learned from reading a book or tutorial. I also think that I need to read a tutorial to be able to make something instead of figuring out how to make something on my own using my knowledge of blender or gimp.

My early new years resolution is to make as much computer art as I can in 2016. No, my early new years resolution is to make any computer art at all. Instead of wishing to be a computer artist I will become a computer artist. I cant make art by just sitting around wishing art will make it self. If I draw with pencil and paper everyday I can make computer art everyday. Maybe, I hope