Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 29

I did not do anything relating to computer graphics yesterday. I did think about computer graphic though. I thought if I could make a CG character for a movie what kind of character would I make? And the conclusion I can to was that I have no idea and I will have to think about it a lot more.

Friday, June 29, 2012

June 28

I did not even open blender yesterday. I am going backwards. I want to use the program more and judging from yesterdays use of the program that is not happening.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 27

Nothing to report about what I did with blender yesterday except that I did open the program several times for I don't remember what reason. There is always today. Maybe I will use blender more today. I can't wait to find out if I will or not. The suspense is killing me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Plans for computerGraphics

I know I have not updated this blog in a long time and judging by the traffic it receives no one noticed. I want to start making things with blender like images and short videos. I need to use blender everyday so I don't just forget everything and then have to start learning the program all over again. As its says in my tag line I want to update everyday so I will try and do that.

Right now I am reading blender basics for blender 2.5. I read blender basics for the blender 2.4 series but, I did not remember much because I did not practice enough. I know if I practice that I can learn blender so that is what I want to do practice practice practice. I am sure this blog will be boring so don't read it. Thank you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

boring post

I hope I can use a program like inkscape to make graphics for computer games or maybe I can make a website with it. Well anyway I hope I can make anythink with any computer graphics program.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not nearly finished Baldwin Motion Chevelle

Here is render of a Baldwin Motion Chevelle that I got tired of working on as it was taking me forever to make. I could not get the blue-prints to match up right. When I get better, if I get better at making models I want to come back to it and see if I can finish the car.

Friday, June 1, 2012

My first almost complete car, Chevy Camaro

I want to start posting renders of models I have made. Here is the first car that I even came close to finishing. Its a Chevy Camaro. I am not sure how long it took me to make, probably about a month. I don't think its that bad for my first almost complete car.